Awakening the Christ Within

¥1,815 JPY
This set of guided meditations is an invitation for you to awaken the Christ Within You. Christ Consciousness represents the purest vibration of love and kindness that emanates from the Heart of God to our human hearts. It transcends religion, New Age concepts, and spiritualism. It embodies the Universal, Cosmic Consciousness or Intelligence of love in its purest form, which was fully realized and embodied by Jesus the Christ and other Awakened Masters throughout history.

Each meditation in this set provides an opportunity to awaken a dormant aspect of your Divine Inheritance or Spiritual DNA. By awakening this Consciousness within you, you can bridge the gap between your humanity and your Divinity, leading to a sense of inner freedom and alignment with the Divine Flow as you resonate harmoniously with God’s love. 

1. Awakening the Christ Within (25:01)
2. The Prayer of the Heart – Christian Version (22:43)
3. The Prayer of the Heart – Universal Version (22:45)
4. Healed by the Sacred Heart of Christ (21:22)
5. Christ Consciousness Activation (17:01)
6. The Ancient Prayer of the Heart (20:01)
7. La Antigua Plegaria del Corazón (20:01)
8. I AM the Resurrection and the Life (19:01)
9. YO SOY la Resurrección y la Vida (19:01)
10. Healed by the Divine Mercy of Christ (20:01)
11. Sanando con la Divina Misericordia de Cristo (20:01)
It is my intention that these meditations support you in releasing any blocks, resistance, limitations, false ideas, or perceptions that hinder your experience of greater love, joy, and abundance in all aspects of your life. May they assist you in transmuting fear, doubt, and pain, enabling you to live in greater alignment with your true essence.


The content of this audio is intended for inspirational, educational, and informational purposes only. It should not be utilized for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. Engaging in any meditation practice may carry a certain level of risk, and individual responses to these activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. If you are currently under the care of a physician or other healthcare practitioner, or if you have received a diagnosis for any condition or disease, it is advisable to consult them before making any changes, modifications, or participating in any treatment program, including meditation work. Gabriel Gonsalves explicitly disclaims any liability of any kind or nature related to the use of the content by individuals.

Do not listen to any meditation recording while driving or operating equipment/machinery.